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5 Ways to Clean Your Carpet and Save Money

Carpets are brilliant. They can instantly make any room feel warmer and cosier, they can add vibrancy to a room with a splash of colour, they make excellent sleeping spaces for our beloved pets – we could go on.

However, one problem that does come with carpets: they’re not very easy to clean.

While no solution will ever be as effective as having your carpet cleaned professionally, this isn’t always viable financially, so we wanted to offer some simple tips for those who want to clean their carpet whilst saving a bit of money.

woman holding cleaning bottle

Blot, don’t scrub

This is the number one rule when it comes to cleaning carpets.

If you try to scrub away a stain vigorously, all you’re going to do is further cement the stain’s place in the carpet and cause discoloration in a wider area.

Instead, you want to gently blot the stain, starting at the edges and working your way further in. Blotting will help to lift the stain away from the carpet instead of forcing it deeper into the fibres

Pro tip: With stains, the quicker you react, the easier it will be to lift it away. If you let a stain sit for too long and dry out, you’re going to have a really hard time getting rid of it.

Tackle pet hair with a squeegee

Pets are a wonderful addition to any home, but the hair they leave behind isn’t.

If your vacuum cleaner isn’t cutting it, why not try using a window squeegee? Simply wet it slightly and run the rubber blade over your carpet.

Trust us, you will be surprised by how much hair it manages to collect!

Baking soda is your friend

Baking soda isn’t just useful in the kitchen, it can actually help remove a variety of stains from your carpet too.

In particular, baking soda is great for removing oil and cooking stains.

If you notice any oil on your carpet, simply apply a bit of baking soda to the area and wait several minutes.

You should start to notice that a sort of white crust forms in the area where the oil was – all you need to do to remove it is give it a good vacuum, then your carpet will be stain free!

Baking soda is also fantastic for pet accidents; it both masks the smell and helps to remove the discoloration, so it’s really a double whammy!

No carpet cleaner? Try shaving cream

If you’ve noticed a dirt stain on your carpet but don’t have any actual carpet cleaner to hand, you could always give shaving cream a try.

It’s actually quite effective when it comes to removing everyday minor dirt stains.

All you have to do is apply it to the carpet and let it soak in and work its magic. Once finished, it will also make your carpet feel much softer!

John Frederick is London’s favourite carpet cleaning company. Whether you’re an office manager that’s looking for a professional clean, or a domestic customer that wants to bring that sparkling, as-new look back to their carpets, we’re the team you need. For more information about our services, please get in touch. John Frederick’s are expert carpet, upholstery, curtain & blind cleaners. They also supply a wide range of curtains & blinds and carpet & flooring options to customers throughout London.


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